And so it begins…

I absolutely love to read a good blog!  Rather than picking up a magazine in the checkout line these days, I catch up on my blog reading instead. I plan to include my favorites on here for your reading enjoyment.  However, I will share that my “first” blog of choice from the very beginning was/is It is my perfectly prepared “cup of tea” tall icy glass of sprite with lime!

I have wanted to write a blog for some time, but have put it off for multiple reasons. More than anything, I didn’t want to start it and then not properly maintain it. Additionally,  I wasn’t sure anyone would be interested in my DIY projects or what I had to say.  All said and done… I enjoy writing, decorating, pulling out my paint brushes or tools for a quick “makeover”, and simply channeling my creative energy into a new project.  So, I have decided to run with it.  Hopefully, others will find it to be helpful or at least, an enjoyable read.  If not, I know my sweet mom and sister will read it :).

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